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Candidate Forum Closing

As reported by Christopher long, October 30, 2023,

...Johnson wrapped up the forum as the final candidate to make his appeal. Even though council members represent a single district, he said, their decisions affect the entire city.

“When someone on Jefferson Street calls me says they have a problem, they get an answer,” Johnson said. “If someone stops me in Walmart because they recognize me, I don’t ask them what district they live in. I just handle the problem or steer them where they need to be steered. That’s what it’s about — looking after everybody. Not just standing up here and saying, ‘I’m going to throw some pixie dust on it and fix it.’ You have to have foresight to be a leader. You can’t just be reactionary to be a leader. You have to look down the road to see what’s coming. Some folks don’t realize that.”

Johnson said it takes at least four votes to pass a motion on the seven-member council, so standing alone won’t work.

“You’ve got to have the experience to know you have to have three teammates for anything you do on City Council,” Johnson said. “You can pound that table and say you want to do this and do this, but I’ve got to convince three people to go with me. I have excelled at that. I haven’t put my thumb on anybody’s neck. I’ve presented a product and they have supported me. I’ve done that very well and very efficiently. I’m asking to do that again. I’m not going to let the people down all of a sudden, because I haven’t all these years. I’ve served this community over half my life. It means something to me. I’m not up here to smile and make y’all laugh. This is serious stuff, and I want to continue to represent this and take this to the next level as Dr. Bell said. Vote James Johnson.”

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